Monday, August 10, 2009

balcony in the big-J

This moment seems surreal. Sitting on a balcony with 5 other students... in Jerusalem. All of us are different majors, different states, different cultures. Sitting together, checking emails and singing along with Tommy while he practices worship on his guitar. His voice is amazing, and he has such a heart of worship. I have no doubt that one day, Scott Mason will be shaping up our government. Hunter has a funny sarcasm, but a really great energy and loyal spirit. Adam is consistent, doesn't say much, but when he does it's significant, and Rachael is the mother of the group. She is always making sure everyone is taken care of :-) and me- I'm just here, soaking it all it. Trying to create a visual memory of a life moment that will be looked back on with nothing but smiles!

Today was full of touring, but most places that I've already been to. Last night we went out to Benyahuda St. for a bit. I felt like i was back with Eagles Wings, missing my '08 crew! But it was fun, we shopped around for a bit and had yummy ice cream. We have been in Israel for 2 days now, visiting Hezekiah's tunnels in the city of David, prayed at the Western Wall, learned about the temple mount, and today lots of churches. Honestly, visiting all of them, it made me grateful that I don't have to pay respects to shrines and statues, or presumed graves, or candle ceremonies. I have immediate access to Jesus at any time, and being around all of this religious tradition has made me so grateful for that! There is so much that has to be done in order for these people to be in 'right standings' with God, and I love that Jesus brought me life and more abundantly!

This trip has been wonderful.. I have learned so much about myself, been stretched within myself and things I've held strong to, what I agree with and don't- theological and physical. But at the end of the day, I feel like God put me here to see how I would swim in the deep end.

From Steph and my preaching (Shekinah Glory ministries ;-) ) to Tommy's amazing worship, there are so many people here who are called to change the world, and we goof off and play and experience Poland/Israel together, but at the end of it all- I love that I get to be a part of their stories.

Today I got a ring made and I wanted to have something engraved into it that resembled what I've gotten out of this trip, and all I could think that I've learned was about the power of Jesus under question and condemnation. so I went with John 5:58- which talks about the Pharisees questioning Jesus, saying that he's not old enough, how could he claim to have seen Abraham before? Jesus replies back to them, "Truly, truly I tell you, that before Abraham was even born, I AM." I love that outside of the religious tradition, laws, and legalism, Jesus stands supreme, rules and reigns over the earth, and Jerusalem- HE IS- inspite of all things!

Goodnight once again from Israel- Life is good. God is great.


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