Friday, October 22, 2010

Hola, from San Diego

Today was a good day.

I miss my parents like crazy so it was great to spend some time with them. We traveled up the coast- from San Diego to Oceanside Harbor- stopping at small restaurants and coffee shops along the way to enjoy a cup of Joe and watch the surfers paddle out. We didn't get to sail, but saw a boat like the one that wee had when I was a kid.

Weather wasn't delightful, but being here and away from my "world" couldn't have been more perfect.

O yes, had to rock out just a tad. Or pretend just because it was cute and pink and I wanted to feel cool.

We stopped at the Taylor factory and while my Dad played around, the sales lady taught me a few chords. On the Taylor Swift designed guitar no less.

It's cold and wet and rainy; I am amazed at the view that some of these locals "struggle" with on a daily basis; and I am so grateful to be here-

A nice break from the routines of mid-semester/ graduation/ Outback jazz.

Tomorrow begins work. Sad face, but cool to see growth-

Goodnight from the mountains of San Diego.

Love, Hope.

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