Friday, October 22, 2010

Hola, from San Diego

Today was a good day.

I miss my parents like crazy so it was great to spend some time with them. We traveled up the coast- from San Diego to Oceanside Harbor- stopping at small restaurants and coffee shops along the way to enjoy a cup of Joe and watch the surfers paddle out. We didn't get to sail, but saw a boat like the one that wee had when I was a kid.

Weather wasn't delightful, but being here and away from my "world" couldn't have been more perfect.

O yes, had to rock out just a tad. Or pretend just because it was cute and pink and I wanted to feel cool.

We stopped at the Taylor factory and while my Dad played around, the sales lady taught me a few chords. On the Taylor Swift designed guitar no less.

It's cold and wet and rainy; I am amazed at the view that some of these locals "struggle" with on a daily basis; and I am so grateful to be here-

A nice break from the routines of mid-semester/ graduation/ Outback jazz.

Tomorrow begins work. Sad face, but cool to see growth-

Goodnight from the mountains of San Diego.

Love, Hope.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I remember when I first began to understand things of the Lord.

I was a Freshman in college and just moved from a small East Texas town to a city called Lakeland in central Florida (who's ever heard of Lakeland, right?- It's in between Tampa and Orlando) Who knows how I ended up there, but God slowing and consistently stayed faithful to his promise that by the renewing of my mind, he would reveal his perfect plan for my life.[Rom 12:2]

The pastor of the church I ended up at is called Without Walls Central, and Pastor Scott Thomas- the senior pastor, has a great way of pulling the Old Testament truths out of The Bible and showing there relevance in our society and culture, as well as that of the New Testament. At first when I witnessed this and really began to look into it on my own I was mesmerized at the revelation that God had waiting for me.... and for you as well :)! The importance is opening the Bible for yourself and really getting into the word, there will be things that are shown in the word that do not just come through reading, but when you put the word into it's original context, it comes alive in a way you've never experienced! I couldn't help but fall in love with this concept: quickly my book shelves became lined with books on the state of Israel and my relationship to them, but it never really clicked and all come together until my first ACTUAL TRIP to the Holy Land. I've been back twice since and truly can say- no cliche intended- that it changed my life and especially my outlook on the Bible: scenes come to life after I walked in the same place, I relate stories to the actual stones, locations, and ruins. It's something that almost can't be explained, only experienced to truly understand it.


I remember the very first night that I spent in Israel, with incredible jet lag, I sat out on my balcony (I was trying to soak it all in... at 4AM)- I wrote, I prayed, I sat in silence- all while looking out at the Sea of Galilee, being completely amazing by the mountains that plateau around it. I remember wondering how something so ugly, so plain, can be so brilliant and breath taking; and when I say breath taking, I mean like, I couldn't stop staring.

One of my favorite places is this youth hostel that sits on top of a dried up ocean and at the base of a massive mountain in the Negev dessert. It's completely dark out there so the stars are a blazing glory in the sky, and outside in the court yard there is a small ledge that I always sit on and look up at the height and detail and majesty of this mountain. I can not get over it. Every time I go I get overwhelmed to think that he put each one of them in place for his glory.

So anyways, back to my first night on the balcony- time passed, and -the best part- the sun began to rise. I can't put words on what this looked like. I took about 79 photos of it and none of them did this moment justice. When i got home I couldn't get over it's greatness and when people would see the photos they would say "o, that's nice" and flip to the next. But in my heart I was so excited, not by the photo, but by that night on the balcony, when God gave me a tender and grateful heart for Israel. Ever since then, and the more that I learn, I can't help but to love and support everything to do with this nation and the covenant that has decreed by God. Not only because it is a commandment, but because it is a passion, I feel so grateful for the opportunity, and as lead by my heart, as I learned the facts of Israel it only give more reasons to be in support of their current situations with surrounding countries.

Currently I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as well as for the Israeli/American alliance. It is one that is dear and would be disappointing to see decease. However, it didn't start out that way. I never knew all of the things that I know now from the beginning, and I didn't learn them growing up in church, it is just now that many Christians are understanding the importance, or even have that "moment" where it all clicks and they're hooked forever into this awesome relationship with Israel.

My "moment" just happened to be there- out on the balcony- mesmerized by the majesty of Jesus Christ.

What's your reason?

WOW, blog much?

So apparently I forgot this exsisted.. no, just kidding, I just got a little lazy. So a semester has come and gone and Advanced Expository Writing wasn't so scary after all. Dr. Cotton was actually full of insight and life lessons that I will remember for a long time. The summer is in full swing and IT. IS. HOT. IN. FLORIDA!

Right now I am consumed with the Bachelorette (I know, I know- but it's like a train wreck, I just can't stop watching) and getting ready to leave for the Christians United for Israel summit on Sunday. I am super excited this year- lots of young folk joining our posse and lots of new events.

It's 2:32 AM and I'm still not packed.. so I'm gonna get on that.

Life is good. God has such a way of making things beautiful!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It has truly been awhile blogspot.. life has made a 180 recently, ok maybe a 90 or a 65 or so, but either way it's all different and I'm not walking quite in the same direction as usual. Still focus and such, just with my eyes a little wider and my heart a little guarded. I purposefully chose not to document these things, for the reason that I didn't want to revisit the wounds also known as the last 6 months or so...

No need to keep them living and try to walk away from them at the same time, it's kind of like people.. they die, but the essence of their life lives forever. Events are over and gone, but the result that they had on my life we're beyond words..

forgiveness is such an interesting thing.. I put off picking up the pencil again (isn't today's technology hilarious? so much for a journal.. but i'll use the analogy anayways) for the fear that I would express words and emotions that would paint me as foolish later. So I would rather express silence until the words that I have are truly those of my hearts desire and intent, not the rantings of a hurting and betrayed young mind.

There has been so much greatness in the last 6 months as well, but for the sake of time and not being late for the first day of my next class, the details of my personal interations and events over the ending of this year will stay hidden away in the personal book that only I get to read.. too deep for the average Joe to handle ;)...ok maybe not, I just wanted to sound cool.

Some great relationships have grown ending 2009, that I wouldn't trade for the world.. even to take away the other situations, if that is what it was for, I'll take it :) and others have been taken away, for reason that I'm still trying to understand.. but all in all, God is still wonderous, and 2010 is looking fabulous! I'm loving Psalms 43-The Message says it best in v. 18 and 19... HE'S DOING SOMETHING BRAND NEW!! AND I'M READY FOR IT!

So that's that, I'm keeping another blog for a class of mine, but I haven't decided the topic yet, any ideas?

off to Advanced Expository Writing.. isn't that a scary name??!


Monday, August 10, 2009

balcony in the big-J

This moment seems surreal. Sitting on a balcony with 5 other students... in Jerusalem. All of us are different majors, different states, different cultures. Sitting together, checking emails and singing along with Tommy while he practices worship on his guitar. His voice is amazing, and he has such a heart of worship. I have no doubt that one day, Scott Mason will be shaping up our government. Hunter has a funny sarcasm, but a really great energy and loyal spirit. Adam is consistent, doesn't say much, but when he does it's significant, and Rachael is the mother of the group. She is always making sure everyone is taken care of :-) and me- I'm just here, soaking it all it. Trying to create a visual memory of a life moment that will be looked back on with nothing but smiles!

Today was full of touring, but most places that I've already been to. Last night we went out to Benyahuda St. for a bit. I felt like i was back with Eagles Wings, missing my '08 crew! But it was fun, we shopped around for a bit and had yummy ice cream. We have been in Israel for 2 days now, visiting Hezekiah's tunnels in the city of David, prayed at the Western Wall, learned about the temple mount, and today lots of churches. Honestly, visiting all of them, it made me grateful that I don't have to pay respects to shrines and statues, or presumed graves, or candle ceremonies. I have immediate access to Jesus at any time, and being around all of this religious tradition has made me so grateful for that! There is so much that has to be done in order for these people to be in 'right standings' with God, and I love that Jesus brought me life and more abundantly!

This trip has been wonderful.. I have learned so much about myself, been stretched within myself and things I've held strong to, what I agree with and don't- theological and physical. But at the end of the day, I feel like God put me here to see how I would swim in the deep end.

From Steph and my preaching (Shekinah Glory ministries ;-) ) to Tommy's amazing worship, there are so many people here who are called to change the world, and we goof off and play and experience Poland/Israel together, but at the end of it all- I love that I get to be a part of their stories.

Today I got a ring made and I wanted to have something engraved into it that resembled what I've gotten out of this trip, and all I could think that I've learned was about the power of Jesus under question and condemnation. so I went with John 5:58- which talks about the Pharisees questioning Jesus, saying that he's not old enough, how could he claim to have seen Abraham before? Jesus replies back to them, "Truly, truly I tell you, that before Abraham was even born, I AM." I love that outside of the religious tradition, laws, and legalism, Jesus stands supreme, rules and reigns over the earth, and Jerusalem- HE IS- inspite of all things!

Goodnight once again from Israel- Life is good. God is great.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

playing catch up..

WOW! so much done, with no internet time to catch up on it all... I am now officially in Jerusalem!! SHABBAT SHALOM!

We ended our time in Poland with visiting Auchwitz, Triblinka, and Birkenau concentration and extermination camps. The emotions were not as raw as they were at Mjdanek, I think because the initial shock was different. I have chosen to not talk to much about all that I saw until I am able to begin processing it all. My emotions have ran from one extreme to the other- initially upset, then angry, then confused. The autracities that occurred there have no words to do them justice, and seeing the strategic planning and excecution that took place... I have no explaination. But I know that I want my explanation of my time and experience here to be strategic and well thought through, so for now I will hold it all in my heart.

I can say that having a survivor with us changed the entire dynamic of this experience. The next generation will have no survivors to talk to or hear a story from. Irving took us through Auchwitz from his own life, he took us to bunk 33, and to the crematorium that his family was killed in. The ground that he stood on twice a day to be counted and recounted, experiences with Dr. Mengele there during the selections. It was all so real, as a 14 year old boy, and now in his 70s, he can still smell the burning hair and flesh, as well as the sound and smell from the electric fences that surrounded the area. Suprisingly, Irving walked with pride through that camp, making jokes and telling stories of his 3 years in Auchwitz. It is very apparent that the SS soldiers walked as gods around these Jews, and after all their evil attempts, the Nazi regime no longer stands, but he is still there today, reliving his hell, will a smile and hope. His righteous anger at God has turned into grace, and he loves being able to share his experience.

There is so much I can say about the last week, but I'm not sure how it will all come out in words. There is no logic.

But for now, I have just traveled and walked for the past 24 hours, so I'm going to hit the pillow. We landed at 4am and starting touring from there, checked in to hostel at 2pm.. back out for touring.. finally in late. I have so much to say still... maybe tomorrow night.

I will leave with this- A people who does not remember their past, will never have a future. We cannot be blind to the things of our past, because as the little changes begin in our present, that past will absolutely become our future.

goodnight from Jerusalem!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

hope within ashes

"Always question the human morality of a person who is preaching to you, and please know that if he doesn't have that it is a very dangerous thing."- Irving Roth- Jewish Holocaust survivor

We had walked into a hunk house and all I saw was triple bunked beds lining the walls, as well as a row in the middle... until a human was placed with it. The survivor with us headed toward the bed, placed his left hand on a post, with the # A10481 tattooed across his arm, and said, "this twin bed was like mine, it held three prisoners."

I've learned about Middle Eastern polotics. I've learned Judeo- Christian relations. I've learned the history of the Holocaust. Today I put emotion to all of those things.

I'm not sure what emotion goes with it all. I'm so upset that people lost their lives, their families, their legacies, their homes. That they suffered the way that they did. That people survived from separation, to ghetto, to holding cell, to cattle cars, to concentration camps, to death camps, beatings, marching, no food, and after their liberation just couldn't handle the pressure of having nothing ahead of them, their entire legacy gone before their eyes. I'm angry that there was an evil regime behind each person holding a gun. As they were standing there face to face, the victim and the persecutor, both men. Both Dads. Both have a soul and a heart, which turned my anger to sorrow. Because even many of the Nazi soldiers woke up to nightmares about what they we're doing. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, God loves them just as he does the apple of his eye, all of those Jewish innocents.

When we got to the end, exited the back door of the cremetorium where the dead bodies were put into fire ovens, we sat around a memorial. Behind the ledge we sat on was a giant bowl of ashes, that of those who burned there, and in front of us, we faced a ripply field, created by the bodies of the 18,000 who we're killed in that mass grave during the last weeks before the liberation.

A group of students sang a song, "we shall overcome someday" and after reliving hell that was call life for Irving Roth, he sat next to me, with silent streams down his face, looking at his young Christian friends, singing those same words. With all the mix of emotions and in this moment all of my anger and sorrow turned into hope. Because in all the pain, Mr. Roth made a choice. He chose life. He chose happiness. He chose a better start, in spite of all that was lost. Just as in his testimony, he chose "to have a wonderful life".

My prayers tonight are for those who perished in the extermination camp of Mjadanek, I can't think of anything else right now but the image of what I saw today. And those bright blue stains on the walls of the gas chamber from the C2 gas that was dropped from the shower heads.

Blessings and Goodnight from Kracow, Poland. Which BTW- completely sketchy!
